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Specializing in Individual, Family, and Premarital Counseling in Dalton, GA


     Premarital counseling in Dalton, Georgia, is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. It can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship--giving you a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage. Premarital counseling can also help you identify strengths and areas for growth that can help to prevent problems during marriage. It can even help couples improve their relationships before marriage. Through premarital counseling, couples are encouraged to discuss topics related to marriage, such as: finances, communication, beliefs and values, roles in marriage, affection and sex, children and parenting, family relationships, decision-making, dealing with anger, and time spent together.  


     I am a licensed Prepare/Enrich facilitator. Prepare/Enrich is an evidence-based assessment tool. The assessment is designed to identify the couple's strengths, weaknesses, and potential problem areas. The aim is to foster awareness and encourage couples to address concerns proactively. I can help you and your partner interpret the results together, encourage you to discuss areas in need of growth, and learn skills to overcome challenges with my couples counseling services.

     Planning for your future together through premarital counseling is an investment you can’t afford to miss out on.  


Couples / Marriage Counseling



  • Do you and  your partner have fundamental differences of opinion regarding things like parenting, finances, and the in-laws?

  • Are conflicts between you and your partner growing increasingly hostile?

  • Do you often feel hurt, belittled, or ashamed in your relationship?

  • Do you long to rekindle love, admiration, and mutual respect in your relationship or marriage, but fear that it's too late to repair the bond between you and your partner?

     Even though your relationship seemed blissful and effortless in the beginning, all relationships will encounter times of difficulty and conflict. When you struggle in your relationship, you may feel lonely, confused and angry. Perhaps you and your partner constantly argue, fight, and bicker and often walk away from confrontations feeling hurt and misunderstood. These arguments can be about seemingly trivial things, but they can also include longstanding disagreements about finances, parenting, and infidelity. With marriage counseling, I can help both parties find the answers they seek. 


     No matter if you are newlyweds, wanting to learn skills to help get your marriage started on the right track, or you have been married for many years and have longstanding unresolved issues, marital therapy can help! Whatever the cause, it's best to treat relationship problems sooner rather than later--just as you would an illness. The goal of therapy may be to develop better problem-solving skills. It may be to gain insight into past hurts and how they are affecting the present relationship. The goal may even be to learn how to heal from infidelity, to forgive, and to rekindle a loving relationship. Throughout the first few sessions of relationship counseling, you can expect to meet together and sometimes separately as we develop a treatment plan for your specific needs. I will be caring and compassionate to both individuals, never taking sides. I will provide a safe and accepting environment for honesty and growth to occur.




  • Is there constant fighting, arguing, and bickering in your family?

  • Is a child's difficult behavior creating chaos for everyone in your household?

  • Do you feel forced to choose between being a friend or authority figure to your teenage children?

  • Has a recent divorce made it difficult to create a co-parenting plan with your ex?

  • Is your family trying to adjust to the chronic illness or death of a loved one?

     Constant fighting and bickering in your family can make it seem as though offering your children a stable, nurturing environment is out of reach, but you can get help with family counseling. Perhaps you struggle to maintain peace in your household, especially if you find that you're devoting a lot of time and energy to managing difficult behaviors from your child. A rebellious teenager can also lead you to feel as though you've lost control as a parent. Perhaps you have noticed moody, melancholic or angry behavior from your teen that has caused you to become concerned.


     As if that weren't enough, you and your spouse may struggle to see eye-to-eye when it comes to raising your children. If you are divorced, communication regarding your children may be particularly contentious. There are many families who are also struggling with a child or parent who has a chronic illness, the loss of a loved one, a divorce, or a remarriage.


     If you're feeling helpless to resolve your family's issues and overwhelmed, you are not alone. Almost all families experience conflict as they negotiate the rocky terrain of living and loving together. While having some conflict within your family is to be expected, there are times when it can be extremely helpful to draw from third-party guidance and support in a safe space. With family counseling, we set aside a time and space in which family members can slow down, express themselves, and listen to each other with empathy and compassion can be extremely therapeutic. By having a family dialog in a calm and controlled environment, you can begin to honor each other's emotions, perspectives, and experiences without reacting from a place of fear, disappointment, or resentment.


     As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I can help you attend to your children's emotional needs and empower them to focus on emotional health in the face of family conflict. Your children will have the opportunity to voice their worries, fears, and frustrations as they open up to a trusted, nonjudgmental, compassionate ally. They can also learn powerful, long-term communication skills and discover ways to regulate strong emotions like anger, sadness, and anxiety. I can help you harness your existing strengths as a parent while also teaching you new parenting tools and strategies, including setting appropriate boundaries with your children. I can also help grieving families along the path towards healing and acceptance.


     Whether you're struggling to manage family conflict, a child's challenging behavior, trouble communicating with your co-parent, or adjusting to a life change, family counseling can help you break free from negative patterns occurring in your household. We all have challenges when it comes to raising a family. I can help your family unite together on the path toward healing.    





  •  Are you struggling with the symptoms of depression or anxiety and are looking for answers and relief?

  • Do you feel stuck in life and powerless to achieve your goals physically, spiritually, or emotionally,?

  • Do negative thoughts, feelings, or perceptions make it difficult to cultivate healthy relationships or perform well in your career?

  • Has a recent life transition, such as a divorce or medical diagnosis, caused you to feel fearful and uncertain?


     There are times when we all struggle in life. Perhaps you're going through a period in which you are experiencing feelings of loss, sadness, anger, or regret that seem to have no end. Or you may be struggling through a difficult life transition, grieving a death or divorce or experiencing difficulty in your relationships, feeling overwhelmed and powerless to effect positive change. If you're feeling angry, fearful, melancholic or numb, the good news is that these feelings are completely normal. While it's true that everyone experiences adversity, there are times when seeking outside help can be very useful. With individual therapeutic counseling, you can learn how to manage negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences more effectively.


     As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I will serve as your confidant, supporter, and guide. You will be free to talk about your experiences without the fear of ridicule, shame, or disclosure. You will be able to explore new ways of thinking and being. I can help you focus on your strengths so that you no longer have to feel defeated by perceived weaknesses. My counseling service isn’t just talk therapy! You will be learning concrete tools, skills and strategies you can integrate into your daily life. These can give you a greater sense of acceptance and help you more effectively manage things like relationship conflict, anger, anxiety, and grief. No matter how scary or uncomfortable your current situation may be, the emotions you're experiencing can be temporary. Although overcoming your obstacles may seem impossible at first, you do have the power to triumph over your current situation.​




  • Is your teen acting irritable and withdrawn, perhaps spending hours alone in his or her bedroom?

  • Does your teen have trouble getting along with peers and teachers, or trouble academically?

  • Do you and  your teen have ongoing, unresolved arguments that make you feel frustrated, angry an disconnected from your child?

  • Do you wish you could understand what your teen is experiencing so you can support hi or her in cultivating a healthy and successful life?


     Like most parents, you probably want the best for your children. However, when things start to go awry with teenagers, it's not uncommon to feel disheartened, stressed and even helpless. If your teen has been pushing you away, you are not alone. Countless parents have struggled with despair as they raised teenagers. While you may long to have your sweet child who came to you for everything back, it's important to keep in mind that increasing independence in adolescence is completely normal. While some conflict with your teen is normal as well, there are some red flags to watch out for. If your teen is self-isolating, acting angry or withdrawn or no longer wants to participate in activities he or she once enjoyed, there might be a more serious problem that needs to be addressed in family counseling sessions. Common issues that plague teens include anxiety, depression, bullying, substance abuse, self-harming behaviors, losses, sexuality, divorce, and trauma.


     Regardless of the source of their problems, almost all teens can benefit from some type of counseling services . By having a compassionate, nonjudgmental therapist to talk to, teens can open up about the things they find the most troubling. Counseling can help your teen to think through the real-world consequences and find healthy ways to establish independence and individuality. As your teen's counselor, I will offer tips and strategies for managing anxiety, building healthy relationships and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If your teen has recently suffered a major trauma, a divorce or death in the family, I will help your teen work through the painful emotions, thoughts, and memories and create a safe space for grieving.     


     As parents, you will have the opportunity to participate in parenting and family sessions. During these emotional counseling sessions, you can learn about the ins and outs of adolescent development, new parenting strategies, and boundary setting. The whole family will have the chance to learn conflict resolution strategies and increase mutual understanding and respect. Because each family is different, your teen's therapy plan will be based on your family's unique needs. With the help of teen counseling, your teen can develop the skills necessary for navigating adolescence and the world beyond.



     Child counseling can help with the following issues:  

  • ADD/ADHD                                                              Behavioral Issues

  • Anxiety                                                                      Depression

  • Divorce Impact                                                         Grief

  • Bullying                                                                     Chronic or Terminal Illness                                        


     Seeing your child struggle physically, emotionally, socially or academically can be an extremely upsetting and frustrating experience. And, it can sometimes be difficult to determine if what your child is experiencing is a phase that he or she will grow out of or if something more serious is occurring. You may be feeling helpless, powerless and defeated as a parent, wondering how your child will ever develop into a happy, healthy adult. Perhaps you desperately long to take away your child's pain, but fear you may not have the tools to do so. My therapeutic counseling gives you the tools necessary to address these issues.


     Child counseling can be a very effective way to help families who are struggling with a child's difficult behavior. Almost every family can benefit from counseling, regardless of whether their problems are "large" or "small." Sometimes simply getting an outside, unbiased perspective can be extremely beneficial. As your child's counselor, I will provide a compassionate professional, non-judgmental environment where your voice and your child's voice will always be heard and emotions honored and validated. You and your child will be free to share your worries, fears, and frustrations after a private counseling session. As parents, you will learn new parenting skills--such as age-appropriate communication and boundary setting. It's never too late to help your child. With the help of child counseling, it is possible to get back the child you used to know and experience a more peaceful environment where your child's emotions are acknowledged and understood.                               

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